Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Weird Day

My interview at Sam's Club wasn't until 2 PM, so I left the fifth wheel very early to stop at a couple places on the way to get some last minute stuff for decorating the inside. I arrived in plenty time for my interview so I walked around the Club looking for Cyber Monday deals, or leftover deals from Black Friday.

I met the HR Manager, Shawna, at 2 PM and she couldn't pull up my application on her computer that I did online several weeks ago. She surmised that it either expired or, for some reason, was only available at another store. She sent me to the computer section in Sam's Club to get an Associate to bring up the webpage on one of the computers and complete the application again. Well, to make a long story short, Cyber Monday Internet traffic kept kicking me off the system and I never was able to complete the application online. Shawna said I should complete it at home when the Internet traffic isn't so great and we would reschedule for today. At least she asked me to call her at around 1:30 when she expects to arrive at work today. She is not able to do anything until she gets the valid application. I even took my resume and reference letter that she couldn't use until the application is in her hands. Oh, well - I'll try again today.

We had a beautiful sunrise this morning which Josie captured just a little while ago:

It sure is beautiful when there are some clouds to reflect the early rays of the sun.

Josie will go to work at 9:30 this morning and work until closing at 6 PM. Her normal hours are 8 to 4:30 but the manager needed her to close tonight. So, we'll attempt the interview thing again today and I'll try to finish up the inside decorations while Josie works her later schedule...

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