Friday, December 5, 2014


Josie's brother, Louie, died yesterday. Although he has been suffering from the results of a series of small strokes over the last two years, he died suddenly yesterday from a heart attack. There was no suffering and he died while eating lunch with his wife Ida. Funeral arrangements are not complete at this point, so we will wait to see what happens. Josie now has only herself and two sisters - Pauline and Marie - left in her family. She had just mentioned recently that she wanted to pay a visit to him. Louie was the last of her four brothers.

My interview yesterday at Sam's Club was  a long experience. It started out that my application still needed some work - completion of an assessment test - before I could continue with the interviewing process. I completed that using the Club computers in the retail area. It seemed like I was interviewing for an executive job. I went through two interviews - one with the team leader, and a second one with the manager of the group I would be working with - and have a third and final one scheduled at 9 AM this morning with the Club Manager. If that goes well, I will be hired as a seasonal employee and work as a greeter to start. More on that role following my final interview. Today marks my fourth trip to Sam's Club this week to complete the hiring process.

George is home from his surgery and brief stay at the hospital for follow up. It appears that everything went according to plan and he will rest the next couple of weeks before doing much of anything except normal walking and sitting. There is a good chance that the surgery has repaired the worst of his back problems. We hope so.

The rain total for the last two days is .85". That was badly needed rain for all of AZ and it came down at a rate that didn't result in any serious flooding. We'll take it that way every time...

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