Friday, December 2, 2011

More of the Same

The calendar finally says it's December. It's been a very long road from early July to this point. Almost every day we look at each other and ask "did we really do this?" and say "never again". One thing we agree on, and that is that we will not work any more overtime the rest of the way. The extra money is very good, but we are so weary from this stretch of high physical activity that we are ready to call it quits for any extra time. We are still facing 4 more days after working yesterday, and it seems like an eternity.

Even with all the extra people working now, they are still trying to recruit people for as much overtime as they are willing to work. Of course, there is a limit of 60 hours per week, but anybody that wants it, can have it. The people that arrived within the last month or so are jumping on that bandwagon. More power to them.

So far, we have only used our propane furnace for one cycle each day - first thing in the morning. Our portable electric heater has been wonderful as far as keeping the rig warm once the chill is removed in the AM. Last year we relied more on the furnace and were filling the propane tanks every few days in order to keep up. This year, we have not filled either of the tanks at all since we arrived in late June. That's a huge savings. Our electric is free, so why not use it? Coupled with our electric fireplace, the place is toasty warm in the AM before leaving for work. We leave the portable heater on at a lower setting while at work, and so far it has worked for us.

We're in the high 20's again this morning but it has been "warming" up into the low 40's during the day. It will be nice if we can avoid the week of sub freezing temperatures we had last year. December is not very nice in Kentucky...

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