Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Thinking About January

The next 3 days of our time off are not scheduled as far as taking any trips. One of the things we talked about was trying to solidify our plans for the next year. We are just about set for our summer - Creede, CO - but the time between the end of January through the end of April is still not firm. Patty is talking about a possible trip for her and Mark in late February and we would like to go to Chicago for that week to stay with the boys - if they go and if it's possible. The problem with that is that if we are working somewhere, we will not be able to take the time off. Another possibility is the chance for Josie to work at the Phoenix Flower Shops sometime during those months but that is also still up in the air. It would be nice if we can solidify some plans for those months while we are off this week. Another possibility if Josie can work in the flower shop is for me to work the Spring Training games in some capacity, probably through Aramark who advertises for help all the time. That is always a fun activity - planning for the next phase of our travels.

Another option for January while we are in Florida is to consider a trip to Puerto Rico toward the end of the month. We have already planned to take the entire month of January off to relax from our 6 month duty at Amazon. It would provide an opportunity for Josie to visit her brother who lives there and is getting up in years. More on that development if we decide to pursue the trip. We could leave our fifth wheel in the storage  area of the Thousand Trails park we will be staying in the first 3 weeks of the month. As you recall, we did that last year for a week while we stayed in one of the cottages (free) that Thousand Trails has in the park.

So, there will be some planning along with some rest and performing necessary chores such as laundry, housecleaning, etc. It is already nice to know that there is no schedule for today...

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