Monday, October 10, 2011

Closing in on Fall

It must be absolutely beautiful now in the northeast as we can see the fall colors are appearing in this area. This is no match for New England, but it is still pretty with the rolling hills and wooded areas we saw while driving to Elizabethtown last week. We took some pictures of the fall colors but they were not impressive enough to publish here. Maybe while we are off over the next few days we will drive to an area where the show is in full color.

The weather is sure starting to feel like fall. Instead of regular highs in the 80's, we are now getting mostly highs in the 70's. It still isn't cold enough to have the heat on all night, but we are not too far away. One thing is for sure, and that is the hot and humid days of summer are gone, and we aren't sorry to see them go. The chances of our coming back to this area - at least to work at Amazon - are probably slim at best. Who knows where we will be or what we will be doing at this time next year. We are planning to at least be someplace out west.

Yesterday was another day that I did case stowing and was very tired at the end of the day. Josie did mostly stowing in the usual areas with just a short time spent in the "putbacks" area. It also was another day where people were given the option to leave early - at 10:30 AM, and once again we passed on that option. There were lots of folks that did leave as the warehouse was noticeably empty by the afternoon. We are sooo glad today is our final day this week. It has been a more physical week than normal and we are looking forward to the next 3 days of relaxation...

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