Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just Relaxing

It was just another day that was great to just sit around, catch up on (recorded) TV shows and do a few small projects. We ended the day with a simple dinner - hamburgers on the grill - and we didn't go out anywhere except to walk down to the office to pick up some mail.

Our cell phone contract has expired and Verizon is throwing all kinds of incentives at us to upgrade our phones and commit to another 2 years. I did a lot of research on other options for us and we are going to continue to look at those options before deciding anything. Verizon really messed up our account with all the problems we had with the devices we purchased last year and are looking hard at maybe switching to AT & T. Verizon still has the best network in our opinion, but we need to feel comfortable with their customer service. More on that as we get closer to making an upgrade from our very basic phones.

The potential opportunity at Malibu Beach RV Resort is just about gone. The  difference in time zones and work schedules has made it difficult for us to communicate with them. The person performing the hiring works the morning shift there while we are working, and she is home when we are not working. So far, she hasn't wanted to give out her cell phone number and when we tried to contact her yesterday, she didn't return our call. She probably has filled the job and after checking the reviews on the park, we aren't going to lose any sleep over it. Evidently, the staff that they have has a reputation for being rude and uncooperative. That could be why they indicated that "no previous applicants need apply" in their request for resumes. Also, the park reviews indicated that even with the spectacular views on the ocean, the spaces were very close together and they try to squeeze in as many customers as they can. Everything happens for a reason.

It was sad this morning to hear about the passing of Apple founder Steve Jobs. You never know about all the accomplishments of an individual until they pass away. He was quite an innovator and, like Bill Gates, was a college dropout. He will definitely be missed.

Our final day off this week is today and once again there is nothing special planned. It's nice to have some days like this once in awhile...

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