Friday, October 28, 2011

Dinner at Magic Wok

Essentially, we did what we planned to do yesterday - stay home, watch it rain and go to dinner with friends. I did more work on the computer to get the blog map updated with dates and Josie did her hair in the afternoon. We went to the Magic Wok for buffet Chinese and again it was excellent. I forgot the camera so I don't have any shots of Rodger and Sue or our dinner table. Usually the camera goes with us just like the keys to the rig, but we haven't been taking many pictures lately, so it was easy to forget it this time. We'll catch them next time. Yesterday was the only common day that we both have off together. They work nights, Sunday through Wednesday, and we are days, Friday through Monday. It was fun catching up on work details as we both worked the same shifts last year.

They worked at a campground in Maine this summer and are returning again this year. Most of their family is in the East, so they spend most of their time in the eastern states. They did work the Spring Training games this year in Mesa at Diablo Stadium however, and they gave us the contact name at ARAMARK so I will send her an email to find out what openings, if any, they might have for the upcoming season. If Josie works in the flower shop, I can work in some capacity at one of the stadiums. Their plan is to return to Amazon in Campbellsville again next year while we are tentatively going to try the Amazon location in Fernley, NV next year. We don't think there is any chance for us to return to Campbellsville again, but who knows.

There has been .7" of rain the last 2 days and, of course, it will clear up as we return to work today. With the temperature at 41 outside, it's probably too cold to do anything outside anyway. We heard there was already snow in the New York area, so we can brace ourselves for the cold months ahead. December 23 isn't that far off anymore, and we can make a dash for the warm weather in Florida...

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