Sunday, January 25, 2015

NFL Experience Day 1

We left a little early for our first working day at the NFL Experience at the downtown Convention Center. Our start time was at 3 PM, but we parked at the Park-and-Ride, bought a 7 day pass for the train and rode to town in time to check-in at around 2:20 PM. We were given uniform shirts and led to the main merchandise center at the NFL Experience and began learning the cash register operations. At about 4 PM, Josie was led to a Kiosk on the lower level of the building to run a small Kiosk alone. I was led to another small Kiosk on the 3rd level of the building to operate my own small Kiosk. This is what my Kiosk looked like:

Josie's was very similar and both only contained a small selection of shirts and caps. It was a very boring day for both of us as the volume of business that is done at these Kiosks is small compared to the main merchandise area. Each of our Kiosks was the only apparel outlet on each of our floors. I didn't get to see Josie at all the entire shift except for a brief encounter during our single break of the night. The positive side was that I had a lot of time to take pictures of the surroundings.

These are a couple shots of the area where I was located:

There were many interactive events like passing and kicking, and also many displays of the NFL history.

As the Pro-Bowl is being held this weekend at the same stadium as the Super Bowl, there were many of the teams' mascots and cheerleaders that were roaming the floors. These shots show some of the ones I saw while working at my station. Starting with these cheerleaders. Notice that the gal on the left is one of the Sea-Gals from the Seahawks and a very attractive girl:

Of course, they all were attractive. These next shots are of a few of the team mascots that were walking around. Starting with the San Francisco 49er mascot (Sourdough):

followed by the Rams mascot (Rampage):

and finally, the Cowboy's mascot (Rowdy):

The fans that were walking around wore jerseys from almost every team in the league. The Seahawks and Patriots were well represented and I believe that there were more Seahawks fans than Patriots. Not that it means anything.

We clocked out at 10:30 PM following closing out our registers and Kiosks. We made it home just a little before midnight so it was a long afternoon and evening. It's a little early in our experience to arrive at any conclusions, but we felt that Aramark dropped the ball a bit with the handling of the cashiers on duty We only had one break during the entire time and I didn't even know that there was free food - not the best- available in the lunch room. We are both off today and I work the NFL Experience again on Monday, Tuesday and Friday while we both work together again on Thursday, Saturday and, of course, game day on Sunday.

Stay tuned...

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