Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Computer Day

It was a very intensive computer day yesterday. I had to gather all the pictures from the last few years that have been scattered over several computers, our phones and a few remote drives including several portable USB drives. That is no small task. We have been taking pictures willy-nilly over the last few years without any real organization. If we wanted to pinpoint photos from a given date, we would be hard pressed to locate them in a short time. I'm not sure I'll ever get the right system for organizing them and this will remain a work in progress for some time.

The day was complimented by doing some cross stitch and I'm almost to the point where I can estimate how long it will be before I complete this project. This is one of the more difficult pieces I've ever worked on, and when it is completed, you will understand why.

I spent some time on the phone with George yesterday AM and he is scheduled to have surgery on his back after Thanksgiving. He has suffered a long, long time with his back and without any significant improvement, so he decided to finally "go under the knife" which is probably the best - and only - remedy for his problem. We will get together with them for dinner on Friday night at a local restaurant to catch up on our activities.

It looks like more computer work today along with some reading that I have to catch up on - magazines are beginning to stack up and that is not good for our limited space. It forces us to keep up on those kinds of things so that we don't get overwhelmed by clutter. I'll end today's entry with another shot of a nice Arizona sunset from last night over the sailboat storage area behind our site:

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