Sunday, September 28, 2014

Soccer Madness

The main story yesterday was the Youth Soccer Tournament taking place in Jackson. Josie worked the whole day and evening - 16 hours total - and she was in the middle of the madness of all these kids between their games. It rained all day - almost a full inch - and we wondered how any games could be held, but they did play. That meant a lot more work in the evening as they all congregated in the lobby, filling up cups with hot chocolate and making lots of noise. I took this shot of a moment in time when it seemed like all the kids were in the lobby at the same time:

This is the last hurrah each year as the season pretty much ends with this event. There was also a gun show at the lodge, so there was lots of activity and, of course, we were sold out for the nights on Friday and Saturday.

The rain continues this morning, non-stop, and we already have about .25" today. The forecast is for several more days of rain before clearing in the middle of the week. As I said before, we'll take the rain as long as it isn't the frozen variety and the white stuff. There are seven more work days before it ends for us and the rest of the way should be easy going...

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