Sunday, September 14, 2014


I forgot to mention the other day when we went for a drive to the Schwabacher Landing in the snow flurries that on the way home we spotted this small herd of pronghorn antelope in the sage field along the highway:

They were fairly close to the road which is unusual for these animals that like to keep a huge distance between themselves and any human activity. It was the only wildlife sighting of the day.

Josie worked her marathon overtime day of 16 hours yesterday. From 7 AM until 11 PM, she was at the front desk performing her duties. I joined her at 3 PM for my regular shift. She is scheduled to work each Saturday for the rest of the month on this schedule. It doesn't bother her and she wants to do it -  and the extra money comes in handy.

We see just about everything you can imagine in the RV park. While I was doing the entry this morning, I was watching the activity around this old VW bus that was camped a few spaces away:

When I saw all the equipment sitting outside on and around the picnic table that was taken from the inside, I wondered how they could do anything but sleep inside this configuration. I guess you camp and travel with whatever works for you. They have no running water, no electric appliances and no bathroom, so I was wondering what happens when they have to go to the bathroom at 3 AM (?).

We're about halfway through September and we have about three weeks to go. It looks like the temperatures are climbing back into the 70's which is more like it for this time of the year. There is no rain in the forecast for the next 5 or so days, so we will enjoy it while we can...

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