Friday, September 12, 2014

First Flurries

Our full day off was affected by the cold temperatures yesterday. We had a high of 54 and this morning it is 25 outside. Brrr! The only real activity for yesterday was a trip to the Schwabacher Landing area in the Teton National Park where we spotted the moose last month. It was a real eye opener to the changing weather in the area. As soon as we arrived at the Park, we saw that the storm clouds were moving in and the snow flurries were starting to fall. Here are a couple shots of the mountains as they appeared through the clouds:

As we drove to the turnoff at the Schwabacher Landing, we were stopped for about 15 minutes while construction delays were in effect:

Once we arrived at the turnoff, there was another delay for this cement truck while he poured cement into a post hole:

At first we were going to turn around and come home, but the truck stopped pouring cement, backed up and let us go past. We started to walk the path along the water and saw this guy braving the cold and the snow flurries trying to catch fish:

He wasn't successful and told us he had been trying for a couple of hours. I still can't see braving such poor weather to try and catch a fish that you are only going to throw back anyway.

The weather wasn't improving and our walk along the water was cut short before we froze to death. This is a final shot of the mountains from Schwabacher Landing:

We left to go to town and walk around a little bit. Following another stop at the grocery store, we returned home and spent the rest of the day in front of the fireplace and watched some TV.

Josie is off to work this morning and the skies are clear, but the temperature has dropped another degree to 24. It will only be for a short time as the longer term forecast is for warmer temperatures to arrive again by tomorrow. Of course, that begins our new work week...

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