Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Great Tetons Pictures Day

Yesterday was the first truly clear day since we arrived in Jackson. We rushed around to finish breakfast and we headed out to see the Tetons at around 7:30 AM. The temperature was in the mid 40's but was very comfortable with the sunshine. We ended up with 127 photos at the end of the day, so this will show only a sampling of the total.

We passed through town before the traffic started for the work day:

As soon as we rounded the final curve toward the park, the mountains came into view and the ooh's, ah's and wow's started. We were early enough to be the only people at the entrance sign:

The best location near town for pictures is on Mormon Row where the to historic barns are located, and the site of some of the most popular photos of the Tetons. We saw these deer as we were going to the barn location. One is a buck that is showing young growth of his antlers and two does that were following him:

We then arrived at the first barn location and had a great time snapping photos:

There were horses grazing in the nearby pasture:
and not too far from them, we saw these bison resting in another area of the pasture:
The second barn is only about a half mile from the first, is also a great location for photos

There were prairie dogs all around the barns. It was a circus watching all of them running in and out of their holes in the ground. Here are a couple shots of those critters:

As we were leaving the barn area, we saw another herd of bison:

Then, there was this farmer who was chasing a small group of bison from his property and was funny to watch:

One of the few negatives about our accommodations here at the RV park is that we need to maintain our own grass and yard area. That means grabbing a lawn mower and weed eater at the maintenance shed and bringing them to our space and doing our duty. Yesterday was the first time for lawn mowing and trimming:
It is a bit more cloudy today, but we may take another drive farther north to check out some of our other favorite areas in the park. We still have until Sunday before we begin work so we hope to take full advantage of the free time remaining...


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