Friday, May 24, 2013

First Trip to Idaho Falls

Since it was cloudy and the day's weather was unpredictable, we used the day to travel to Idaho Falls for our first visit this year. That is where we go, about 70 miles away, to shop for some major items like paper products, vitamins, detergents, etc. Josie also wanted to get her hair done and that is the cheapest location for that. There is a Walmart and a Sams Club there which makes the trip worthwhile. Plus, it is a very nice, scenic drive.

The negative as far as Josie is concerned is that we travel over Teton Pass to get there. It is a very steep - 10% grade - and winding road to get from Jackson Hole into Victor Idaho on the other side. The photo from near the top of the pass wasn't too bad considering the haze and clouds:


The Pass highway can be seen in the above photo and that is Jackson in the far valley.

There is a sign at the pass summit that was taken down for renovation last year but we stopped and got a couple photos of the new sign from the summit:

We no sooner got back in the truck to descend from the summit into Idaho, when Josie saw two moose, our first sighting of the year, on the side of the road, barely visible through the trees. We pulled over to the side of the road and Josie snapped these photos of the moose.

The second moose is barely visible in the trees in the upper right of the second photo.

We visited the Walmart in Idaho Falls and stopped at Sams Club to pick up the items we needed and Josie got her hair done while we were there. We also stopped at the DQ in Idaho Falls and had a Blizzard before leaving town.

We never got a shot of the Wyoming welcome sign this year so we snapped that on our return to Jackson:

I placed some photos of the early wildflowers in yesterday's post and the Heliantha (yellow, sunflower-like flowers) were everywhere on the hillsides and in the meadows:

The pictures just don't do justice for these flowers. We came home a different way, through Alpine, WY, so that we didn't have to come over the pass again. It adds about 12 miles to the trip, but is another, different, and scenic way to travel from Idaho Falls.

We are blessed with another sunny day today so, with only 2 days remaining before we start work, we will take full advantage of the day - somehow...

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