Monday, December 31, 2018

Packing Away Christmas

The plan for yesterday was to gather some oranges, make some juice and get as much as possible of the inside decorations all packed and put away for another year. Well, we spent a lot more time than planned getting Christmas put away. That was largely a result of having to make room in the garage for the boxes. Josie did the packing, I did the storing.

We also gathered more oranges to make some juice and we came across this "giant" that we took from our naval orange tree:

It is easily the largest orange we've ever seen.

We didn't get a chance to fire up the juicer, so that will be put on the agenda for later. I had to stop everything to watch the Seahawks barely get by the Cardinals. It is funny how the Seahawks lower their game for all the poor teams and play the better teams like they own them. I hope it continues into the playoffs as the Seahawks will play the Cowboys in Dallas next weekend.

This last shot is of a large group of birds that happened to be resting along the edge of our yard. There were actually a lot more of them, but some flew away:

That's about it for 2018. Enjoy your New Year's Eve everybody...

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