Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Celebrating George H W Bush

I was watching the Memorial Service for George H W Bush from the Washington Cathedral in Washington DC this morning. It went longer than I expected which is why this entry is so late. But, I can tell you, it was a wonderful - and emotional, at times - service for the former president. What I will also say is that it is too bad Trump and Melania were there as their presence cast a "chill" over the entire Cathedral. Enough said about that.

I went to our local Safeway store yesterday to pick up the items that Josie needs for her Colonoscopy which is scheduled for Friday. I arrived at the store to see this:

There were cops all over the place and the store employees were all outside along with many customers. It looked like a murder scene at first but I found out there was a gas leak in the store and they had to evacuate everybody. I went on down the road to the next nearest store, Albertsons.

I also picked up some Vicks Dayquil for my cold and there seems to be lots of improvement today. Part of yesterday's activity was to tape all of the electrical connections for our outdoor lights so that they don't short-out during any rainstorms. That about wraps it up for now...

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