Saturday, April 30, 2016

Address Changes

I have a list of all of the necessary address changes that must be made each time we move. When we were traveling full time, the Florida address made it simple to change - one phone call. Now that we are getting away from the Florida mail forwarding program, the list is huge and I need to contact each and every one of them to make the change. In many instances our permanent/home address stays the same and I just have to add or change our mailing address. That was yesterday's objective. Most of the changes that were made could be done online, but there were also some that required phone calls and one or two of them involved "written" notification which meant scanning a signed change request into the computer and then emailing it to the source. That's what took a long time. With the exception of a few of Josie's accounts that require her to request the change in person, the address has been changed at all of the locations I could think of that required change.

Josie is off today and Tuesday which will be her final days off before we leave on the 9th of May. It is shocking to her that she gets those two days off so close to Mother's Day. Never in her 30 plus years of experience in the business has she ever had multiple days off so close to Mother's Day. Oh, well. Next year, she has vowed to not commit to working Mother's Day so that we can get an earlier departure to wherever we will go to spend the summer. This year, we had to give up our visit to Washington to see Kristine and the grandkids as a result of her Mother's Day commitment and the change in our jobs which required an earlier start. Fortunately, we will still travel to Chicago in the Fall following our time in Cody to visit Patty and the kids and to go to one of Austin's football games.

Except for a few things inside the RV, we are getting very close to being ready with about 10 days to go...

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