Friday, April 8, 2016

Moved Into New Space

We spent yesterday - Josie's day off - moving into our new space at Pioneer RV Resort. We were fortunate that the rain held off all day and we were able to get settled before the rain started. It took awhile to get things put away enough that they wouldn't be all over the trailer during the short drive from space #446 to space #90. Our new space is directly across from the clubhouse where all the amenities are located, including the post office, laundry, swimming pool, social hall, activity rooms and all of the offices. The move began at around 9:30 and we were all done by about 3 PM. Here are a couple shots of our new location:

The second shot is taken from the clubhouse to show how convenient it is.

There was a brief moment of concern when the manager of the park insisted that we were too far back in the space and we needed to move forward about 8 feet. After he had a discussion with the owner, and after I told him that if we moved closer to the road, our truck would be in the street all night on occasions when we would hitch up the night before for early departures the following day, we were granted the existing location on the space. I didn't think that it would be acceptable to have our truck in the street all night long. Now, we are able to hitch the fifth wheel the night before and still be completely off the street. Also, we have a 90 foot space and the rear half would be wasted if we moved closer to the street.

We are ready now for the final leg of our stay for this season. In just over one month we will be on the road again toward Washington and Wyoming...

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