Wednesday, October 28, 2015

UBER Clarification

There is a misconception about driving for the transportation company - UBER. The first reaction was that I would be picking up drunks and crazy people and be at a high risk for injury or worse. The fact is, I get to choose the times that I will drive and I get to choose the fares that I want. In other words, bars and midnight rides are at my option. I will most likely just sign on between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM and not drive during any other time frame. The pay is excellent (avg. of $19/ hr) and the pay is weekly. Plus, I don't have to worry about handling money as all fares are collected by the company before the ride is initiated, and they pay me at the end of the week.  I only worry about the wear and tear on my car and the gas which, for now, is very inexpensive. It seems like a good way to earn some extra cash, on my schedule. I am all signed up and ready to go, so I will probably begin on Friday while Josie works at the shop. I plan to drive only on days she works so that we can still have our same days off.

We have the Goodwill truck scheduled today to pick up some heavy and bulky items. We have the refrigerator left by the previous tenants (that doesn't work), a table and several boxes of clothing and miscellaneous stuff that we no longer need. The pickup is scheduled between 8 AM and 5 PM which is nonsense as we will have to wait around to make sure we don't miss them. I guess we could just move everything into the driveway and we wouldn't have to be around if we had to leave for any reason.

It looks like our neighborhood is ready for Halloween. Most of the neighbors have decorations on and around their homes. We have some that will be on display along with the candy bowl that will be on our porch. It is an experience that we haven't had for a long time. Our neighbor said that he went through about 5 bags of candy last year. We bought three at Costco, and when they are gone, the lights go out and Halloween is over for us. Too often, the older kids come back around for a second time and we would like to avoid that, if possible. It promises to be a unique experience...

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