Friday, October 23, 2015

Back Together Again

Just like humpty dumpty - our patio furniture is back together again. The lesson we learned is never to leave the house with the umbrella open as you never know when a strong wind or stray storm will pop up and ruin everything. This is what we have once again:

Even though that was the most photogenic of our activities yesterday, we accomplished much more. We finally have the garage organized - totally - to where we can find almost anything we need at any given time. Our vehicles fit nicely in the garage now and we can even open the doors without banging into boxes, furniture or bicycles. There are some items that we are donating to Goodwill and to other charities, like an old refrigerator, clothes and a coffee table. They are scheduled for pickup next Wednesday.

We also had the "new" landscaper out yesterday and we have everything in perfect working order now in the irrigation system. They replaced the entire main line in the sprinkler system on the one side of the yard and installed the proper sprinkler heads to ensure that all the plants and trees get the right amount of moisture every day. That is a huge relief and we should be set now with our yard for awhile.

Halloween is the next challenge for us. This will be the first one in many years where we actually will have kids coming to the door for candy. We have three huge bags of candy that we got at Costco and when they are gone, the lights go out and we will call an end to Halloween. It seems strange to be in a neighborhood where there are lots of kids to be able to enjoy this particular holiday once again. We are also proud that we were able to fight temptation and keep the bags of candy - untouched - in our pantry --- so far...

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