Friday, October 2, 2015

Landscaper Experience

The landscaper we hired to perform the improvements in our back yard is a piece of work. He was part of the crew that we have used to get our plants and trees in shape after we moved into the house and he "broke-away" to start his own business. He gave us a terrific deal for the work, and, as is true with most terrific deals, there are hidden concerns. The main one is that he is not dependable and we don't know when to expect him to show up to work. So far, every day that he has worked he has missed the target start time by hours. He is Mexican and is obviously struggling to survive in the U.S. Without getting into a lot of detail, he has not done the highest quality of work. I already had to have him tear out the pavers and start over as they were no-where near level. I'm sure that eventually the work will be completed as desired. He doesn't get paid until it does. My understanding is that he will have another person helping him today, so maybe we will see some real positive progress. He is a hard worker, but not the highest quality.

It appears that, finally, we are out of the 100+ degree days. Yesterday was 107, and the high today is only suppose to reach 98. We'll see.

Next up on the schedule is Halloween and we are taking out all of the decorations that have been in storage for the last 7 years and putting them around. Then, we will do the same for Thanksgiving and then Christmas. I am beginning to miss the simple life we had while traveling...

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