Saturday, October 10, 2015

Garage Project

As the weather begins to cool - at least in the mornings - I have started to do some of the tasks in the garage that we have been putting off. I did a lot of research on storage solutions for the garage and the best option for us was to get portable racks instead of getting built-in closets. Although the built-ins would be a cleaner look, they are more expensive and they must stay with the house. The racks can go with us if/when we leave this house. The scorpion situation has planted a doubt in our minds about the long term prospects of staying in this house, even though we love everything else about it. Anyway, the garage project is underway.

I assembled all five of the racks in the garage before the temperature warmed up - to 94 in the afternoon. I am still waiting for the days when the highs reach 80 so that a full day can be spent on that project.

Our guests - Kristine and Justin - arrive today for the next week. We have a long list of places to go and events that we can enjoy while they are here. This is the main reason we bought the house that we did and was to be able to have family visit and have a place to stay with us. Stay tuned for a week full of fun activities and lots of pictures...

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