Tuesday, August 18, 2015

More Surgery

My appointment with my doctor - the same one who removed my Gall Bladder - was a bit different than I expected. The aneurysm that was discovered in my MRI is a bit larger and in a different location than originally described. It is located near my abdomen and is .56 centimeters in diameter where .50 centimeters is the largest it can be without surgery. Anyway, I am scheduled to go into the hospital on Friday, September 11 for my surgery to have it taken care of. It requires an overnight stay at the hospital so here we go again.

I was recruited to drive once again for Josie's shop yesterday so I went in and did a few deliveries to help them out. I don't mind doing that occasionally, but as I mentioned to Josie, I don't want it to become a daily occurrence and a situation where they think they can call me every day. Sometimes the deliveries are far apart and it doesn't pay to do the deliveries. My gas is important and the money for each delivery - $5.25 - has to show a good profit or I don't like doing them. We'll see how things go with the deliveries.

It is about time for us to prepare for or guests that we are expecting this Saturday. We are pretty much ready except there are some groceries and special stuff that we want to get to have on hand for when they arrive. They will be staying in their motor home at the Cotton Lane RV Resort - remember that name from when we stayed there for a year in the early 2000's? It is convenient to our house and they can get an early start on Sunday morning for their trip to Texas where they will spending the winter season. We are looking forward to their visit. Since the Amazon.com employment issues have made the news, it will provide some interesting conversation for us as we met while working at the Amazon facility in Campbellsville, KY. Basically, the claims that it is a sweatshop are pretty close, but not quite as bad as the news has made it out to be.

I guess that will do it for today...

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