Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Audiologist and Jeep Service

The main things I had to accomplish yesterday were to get my hearing aids cleaned and to get the Jeep serviced. The hearing aids have been cutting out on me which is a clear indication that there is wax in the devices. That was done and while there I scheduled an overdue hearing test for today at 10 AM.

The Jeep was way overdue for service - by about 2500 miles - and it was an absolute requirement to get that done. I have been taking it to the Jeep dealer where we purchased it and they do a great job, at a lower price than any of the fast lube and oil change places. It takes a bit longer, but I know everything is being done and I get a free car wash to boot. How can you beat $23.50, including tax, for a complete oil change, inspection and car wash? Besides, I get to look at all the new cars while the work is being done.

As mentioned, I have the hearing test scheduled for this morning and I then need to make a stop at Michael's and pick up the floss for my new cross stitch project that I received in the mail yesterday. Hopefully, I will be able to complete this new project in time for the County Fair in Wyoming for next year...

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