Monday, July 7, 2014

More Normal Day

It was a much more controlled or "serene" day at work yesterday. The bus that arrived the night before is actually staying over another day so the youth group from Detroit will get an extra day to explore the area. We only had one bus check in yesterday and the arrivals were around 60 individuals. We were close to a sell out, but still had some rooms left at the end of the day.

Josie and I walked to Smith's grocery store in the morning to buy some cream that she heard about that is suppose to shorten the healing time for her black and blue chin. Time will tell if it works or not. We walked the 3.5 miles round trip and she didn't stumble one time. I'm sure she will be watching where she steps from now on. The bruise is beginning to turn colors like they usually do during the healing process. She is getting tired of explaining the bruise to everybody. Nobody is buying my claim that I punched her which is good.

I moved the bike rack over from the fifth wheel to the Jeep so we are now ready for our biking trips into the Tetons. We tentatively talked about doing the 14 mile trip from the Gros Ventre junction to Dornan's Restaurant either today or tomorrow AM. That is a 14 mile ride on fairly level ground, so it is a good ride to kick off the bike rides.

Our plan is to take our annual whitewater trip this Thursday or Friday. The owner of the Jackson Hole Whitewater company was in the lodge yesterday and he suggested we call the office and get our "comp" ride scheduled as soon as possible. We called yesterday afternoon and are waiting to hear back from them on which day is better.

That's about it for today...

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