Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Cool and Damp

Beginning yesterday, we are in for several cool and damp days. It only reached 68 yesterday for the high and we are at 49 this morning. The fireplace is on to warm the place while I write this entry and watch the clouds roll in once again. It makes it difficult to get outside and enjoy some physical activity although Josie did go far a long walk yesterday AM. I was entrenched in watching "The Man of Steel" movie that we taped earlier this week. It is a good remake of the Superman movie but with all the new technology of special effects.

It was another tough night at work as the Asian tour company - Joy Holiday - arrived with two busses when we only expected one, and the guests filled our lobby at 10 PM last night, making their concoctions of whatever they eat, out of hot water that we supply in the lobby for tea, hot chocolate, apple cider and decaf coffee. They fill their thermoses and use the water for their noodles that they sit in the lobby and eat while chatting in Chinese so that nobody knows what their saying. They are given a room map of the lodge that contains the Internet codes, among other information, and none of them read the information. There were probably ten or so people that came to the front desk asking for the user and password codes for Internet that are clearly typed on their room maps that each received at check-in. They are the new tour company this year, and it is a real challenge each time they show up at the lodge. Oh, well.

Happy Birthday to Josie today. We will celebrate her birthday tomorrow when we get our first day off this week. Probably at a restaurant of her choice. The same happened last year on her birthday when it also fell on a work day. With the cool, damp weather, choices of activities may be a little limited this morning...

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