Friday, January 17, 2014

Watching Renewals

This is the time of the year when many products and services are due for renewal. One such example is our subscription to the Norton Computer Security product that we use for keeping our computers safe from viruses. I am on what they call the automatic renewal program where they automatically charge your credit card for the annual renewal price. It is a real convenience and one way that you don't have to worry about subscriptions running out. The problem is that, unless you know exactly what you paid the previous year, you can be blindsided with unannounced increases. Norton tried to renew my product at a whopping $28 increase over last year, and when I went online to "chat" with them, they informed me that last year was a promotional price to join, and not the regular subscription price. When I told the representative I would cancel my subscription, and rejoin at a promotional price, he lowered the charge to match last year's rate. It pays to keep a close eye on automatic renewals.

We have had such beautiful, warm weather all week except for the winds - again. I spoke too soon about turning the corner on the winds as it has now been 6 straight nights with gusting winds over 25 mph, with steady winds about 15-18 mph. I will definitely ramp up efforts to locate an expert to explain to me why it is windy in this location, but 10 miles away there is no wind at all. It makes no sense to us how it can vary so much in such a short distance.

Josie is off now for the next three days and we will do some running around today with a bike ride scheduled for tomorrow. There are some things we need from Costco and Josie will also, finally, get her nails done and get a pedicure. The planned bike ride is one we heard about from Brian that takes us from the north valley to Carefree on a bike path built for that purpose. It will be about a 20 mile round trip ride, but there shouldn't be too many hard hills to climb. We'll find out soon enough...

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