Saturday, January 18, 2014

Shopping Marathon

We hadn't planned on spending most of yesterday shopping, but that's the way it turned out. It wasn't until near noon before we got started, so that had a lot to do with eating up the entire afternoon. Stops were made at Michaels, Walmart, Costco, Walmart again and finally we stopped at DQ for a day ending treat. It was almost 5 PM when we returned home and it was too late for Josie to get her nails done, so that will be on today's schedule. We probably will push back the bike ride until tomorrow. As long as the beautiful, warm weather holds, it should be OK.

I found this neat picture on one of the sites I follow online of a Bowling alley in Clearwater FL. Evidently, they have had a record business since the transformation of the lanes:

This was the accompanying caption:

"A bowling alley in Clearwater, Florida , Bowl-O-Bama, is doing record business despite a bad economy.

The alley also reported a record number of 300 games.

Since opening in November 2010,

963 patrons have bowled a perfect game,including strikes in the warm-up frames.

 This alley also has the highest bowling league average in the country, with a 237.

And that's the senior league."

Pretty funny, and very clever. Sometimes you wish you had a ball and they were real teeth.

The resort is in the peak season right now and we see all kinds of flyers for events that the residents are putting together. There is a gravy contest this weekend, if you can believe it, and the top three gravies will be offered for a biscuit and gravy breakfast on Sunday morning. I can think of a lot better food contests than that. At any rate, there are lots of things happening that give all the guests options. Most of the guests, ourselves included, are just happy to be enjoying their time in the desert to relax and enjoy the lake. Maybe if we both were totally retired - really retired - we would get more involved in those things. For now, we like our free time, when possible, to be scheduled with more physical activities - like hiking and biking...

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