Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years Eve

Much of what was on TV yesterday was a review of events that occurred during 2012. An interesting feature of these reviews is when they show all of the significant celebrity passings that occurred during the year. Each year that they perform these reviews, we are shocked at the number (collectively) of famous celebrities that have died during the year. Once again this past year we have lost some icons in the industry that we grew up with. I guess it's just another sign that we are getting old.

Another event that occurred yesterday was the announcement of seven coaches from professional football teams being fired. That bunch also included the Cardinals coach. It seems like a pass or fail measurement. You either make the playoffs, or you're out the door. Talk about job security. I guess I would work under those conditions for 5 or 6 million dollars a year.

The main event yesterday was, of course, our dinner with George, Cheryl, Cot and Lois at Angela's Kitchen in Sun City Grand. That used to be called Dillon's and was taken over by new ownership in April of 2012 following a dispute with the Sun City Grand Board over maintenance issues. It is at least as good as, and maybe even better than Dillon's. Here is a shot of the restaurant as we arrived shortly before 6 PM last night:

They had a special menu for New Years and Josie and I both had an excellent Fillet Mignon. Everybody had an excellent meal and it was a great way to end the year. We had our waiter take a shot of the group:

They all went back to George and Cheryl's following dinner to play a game or two while we came back home. We decided that we didn't want to drive home after midnight with all the "crazies" on the road. We brought in the new year at midnight and then went directly to bed. We were all tucked in by about 12:05 as it was all we could do to stay awake to bring in the new year.

Today is the day for the Rose Parade and, of course, Bowl games. I'm not sure how many of those we'll watch but it is still an exciting day...

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