Sunday, January 6, 2013


Yesterday was the start of my Hollywood Diet where I drink their special "juice" with water for 48 hours. It is suppose to "cleanse" your body of impurities so that you can begin a structured diet program. I've used this approach before and it has been very successful for me prior to starting the Atkins Diet that I'm trying again. It was not that tough yesterday, but I expect to get some hunger pangs today. The key to this whole process is to "jump start" the diet so that I can achieve a ketosis state more quickly. That, as indicated in the article, is when your body turns from a carb burning state to a fat burning state which, in turn, causes your weight loss. There are pills being marketed, and promoted by Dr OZ, which are Keytones and help your body to reach this state. We've tried these pills in the past and they don't work unless you restrict your carb intake at the same time. Also, those pills are expensive. This is what works for me but may not work for everybody.

There are so many options available for dieters that there is a solution out there, somewhere, for everybody. The most important thing is that you believe in the diet and that it is not boring for you. I happen to like the Atkins diet because I can eat the things I like in quantities I don't need to measure - like steaks, chops, eggs, bacon, cheese and other protein foods. As long as the carbs are minimal, I can eat it. When I had a physical exam following my last experience with this diet, my blood work showed all levels well within the normal range - including cholesterol.

On the other hand, Josie's diet comes close in some areas, but she still needs to watch the quantities more than on the Atkins diet. She hasn't officially started her diet yet but has already shown weight loss since trying to follow the concept over the last week. The main thing for us right now is to stick to the plan and not have it go like most other New Year's resolutions. Actually, we both have decided that once we lose it this time, we need to permanently change our eating habits. That's easy to say, but this time we need to follow through...

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