Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Roof Inspection

Our house has a flat roof which is covered by foam and coated with a weather protectant. The latest "coating" on the roof - which is under warranty for 10 years - occurred in 2010. That means that we have until 2020 until the warranty expires. There is a way that we could extend the warranty another five years (until 2025) by having a single coat put on the roof. The company that did the work 8 years ago did a free inspection yesterday to see if another coating would be necessary. The results were that we did not need another coating at this time because the roof is still in good shape. Another single coating would have cost $3500 anyway, so we passed on that.

I forgot to mention that while we out runni9ng errands over the weekend, we drove by our old house in Sun City Grand to see what changes have been made. Here is a shot of the home as it exists today:

It looks pretty much the same except that all of the landscaping has matured and that all looks terrific. We didn't get to see the back of the house, but that is most likely close to what we left in 2008. We do sometimes miss that house.

Today is an off day on Josie's new schedule so we plan to do some potting outside, cleaning up more in the garage (of course) and relaxing as much as we can before the real heat returns this week...

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