Thursday, June 7, 2018

A House in the Garage

Josie's first day back at work was ho-hum, as expected. It is nice that her shop accommodates her here-today-gone-tomorrow schedule. Even though there are drawbacks with her working at Phoenix Flower Shops, they do have the flexibility that Josie needs in her schedule. Her commute time from the new house is about 5-10 minutes longer but about the same distance. She does not use the freeway now which results the longer commute time. It is not a bad commute though.

I began tackling the garage situation yesterday. It is like having another house to unpack. Most of what is in the garage - outside of Christmas related items - are old items we have been carrying around for years. These items include, but are not limited to:  books, pictures, stereo equipment, vintage records, magazines, movies and memorabilia. It will be a monumental task to conquer this objective of eliminating the contents - or even finding a suitable location to store what is left. I will start by advertising and attempting to sell most of the old audio equipment, records, laserdiscs, and other collectables. I will advertise on eBay where I am most likely to find a large audience of collectors and locally on Craigslist. It doesn't amount to a lot of money, but it is better than giving it all away.

I don't see an end to this latest effort to get settled but at least we will make a huge dent in what is left...

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