Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Renewing Driver's License

One day about a month ago, I realized that my driver's license would expire on my birthday in January. I took care of that issue yesterday and I am legal for another five years.

The Motor Vehicle Department has changed their way of moving customers through the facility. It used to be that you received a number and sat and waited until you were called. Some days, you would sit forever until called. Now, they give you a number, but you wait in line and they take customers on a first come, first served basis. I was there for less than a half hour and had my license renewed. Of course, they don't give you your new license right away, but rather mail it to you in about 8-10 days. They issue a "temporary" license until mailing the new one.

We see that California is on fire again. Ventura County is being leveled by a fast moving fire (actually four fires) that has spread quickly as a result of the Santa Ana Winds fanning the flames. We also get a version of those winds - and have for the last two days - which makes it difficult to do anything outside. Hopefully, they will die down soon and give the fire fighters a chance to make some progress in California. There have been hundreds of homes destroyed and the end is not in sight. Our nephew, Brian, has spent a lot of time recently in northern California handling insurance claims for State Farm from previous, recent fires. Our guess is that he will most likely move on to southern California now to take care of business from these latest destructive fires. It is not a pleasant task, we're sure...

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