Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Last Minute Change

We were all set to attack the slots yesterday AM at the Riverside Hotel and Casino. The day before was a roller coaster ride as we won, lost, won and lost again. The net of the day (Sunday) was that we were getting painfully close to falling back to where we were before arriving. Our goal was to get back on the winning trail and have another fun day.

One decision we made after starting out on the losing track in the morning was to play at another Casino where we have had some very good days on the slots - The Golden Nugget.  They are also known by their very different and beautiful entryway to the Casino:

We played some different machines with spotty success. Eventually, we lost all that we gained and we were at the point where we had to quit - something we always do when we lose our original stake. So, we got in the car and drove to Bullhead City where the Sam's Club is located - of course, it was closed on Christmas Day - and to the Walmart - also closed on Christmas Day. As every business was closed on Christmas Day with the exception of the Casinos, we were facing the rest of the day in our room which would be no fun at all. As we were not paying for the room anyway, we made the decision to leave early and drive home. We packed up and were on the road home by mid afternoon. There were lots of things that we wanted to do at the RV, so the decision made sense. We arrived home last night by around 6 PM. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. We are always disappointed when we lose, but we never confuse the outcome with the fun we have playing. It was still a fun trip and we always enjoy going there.

We do have another "comp" offer from one of the other Casinos - the Aquarius - that must be used in January, so we may decide to return for a couple days sometime in January if we can swing some time off for Josie. We anticipate a busy January though, as our home will be on the market and who knows what events (good ones, we hope) will come out of that activity...

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