Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Weather Change

Our nice, very warm weather changed yesterday. The high was "only" 71, but the low was 56 and it felt cooler than that. It made it a little bit tougher to get the work done outside with the winds also picking up in the late morning. Anyway, I did get the other chair assembled and the small end table that we purchased to use under the gazebo. I also moved the gazebo back further into the site and as Josie and I looked at how much available space was left, we decided to purchase a second gazebo to help fill the space. That, plus the fact that the money we would save not buying artificial grass for that extra space could pay for the extra (larger) gazebo.

I began assembling the other gazebo but had to wait for Josie to come home from work before setting it up for the top canopy. I didn't get a shot of the project yesterday, so that update will appear tomorrow.

My source of income for the  next several months can now be revealed - unemployment from the state of Wyoming. I discovered when we returned to the Lodge this past summer that one of the other front desk workers applied for, and received, unemployment benefits last winter. I thought I would try to do the same, and I was accepted for those benefits. Wyoming is among the top 10 states in the country for benefits, while AZ ranks near the bottom. You can actually apply for the benefits in any state you have had income during the required quarters, so it was a no-brainer to apply for Wyoming. The reason it took longer to get approved was that I had to join the local (AZ) Workforce Center before getting approved. They want to know that I will be searching for work here in AZ while collecting benefits. Sure. :)

Josie's second day at work was very good and today she will have her first day at the shop where she used to work. It looks like our winter season is taking shape and we are excited about spending the rest of our season here at Lake Pleasant...

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