Friday, October 18, 2013

Kohls and Costco

There aren't many stores that we can honestly say we miss when we travel to places that don't have "big box" stores. Kohls and Costco are a couple of those stores. Yesterday, we went to the local Kohls which was having a huge sale on Keurig coffee brewers. We have had one of these for years, but it stopped working and we wanted to replace it with the mini model which takes up a lot less room on the counter and satisfies our needs for single cups of coffee every now and then. We only paid $79.99 for the brewer which normally runs $124 in most stores. We ended up next door at the Bed, Bath & Beyond where we picked up some K-cups for the new brewer at a discount.

Returning home from our visit to Kohls was not without some excitement. We spotted one of the several families of burros that frequent this part of the park. They are seen in just about every area of the Regional Park here at Lake Pleasant, and they are often seen in the area surrounding the RV Resort. Here are some shots of this particular family:

and this one as they left the area together:

We did more of the settling-in process yesterday afternoon as we assembled a hammock that we bought while we were in Jackson, and waited until we arrived here to assemble. It was on sale at our local Smith's grocery store during the summer and we just stored it in our basement until now, knowing that we would have a place to enjoy it this winter:

It folds up unto a nice small unit while not in use and will provide many hours of relaxation in the shade of the tree on our site.

I also included a shot of our new grill that was delivered when we arrived over a week ago:

That should also provide some great hours of barbecuing.

The final shot from yesterday is one of our developing space here at Lake Pleasant:

We aren't quite there yet with a final layout, but it is beginning to take shape.

Our final trip for the day was to Costco where we wanted to pick up some "goodies" that might be new at the store. We found the goodies OK, and a few items more as we ended up spending too much - as usual. Can anybody ever go to one of these stores and leave without spending at least a couple hundred dollars? We don't seem to be able to.

Our settling-in will continue today as there are closets and storage spaces that we need to organize for our stay here. Speaking of storage - we also need to schedule a visit to our storage unit in Surprise sometime soon. I'm not looking forward to that visit...

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