Sunday, October 6, 2013

Relaxing in Camp Verde

It was our first day in AZ where we could rest and relax following our race to escape the foul weather up north. It gets pretty darn chilly here at night - 36 outside this morning - and we got up early to turn on the heat and make some coffee.

Our day yesterday didn't go quite as we planned, but it was a nice day anyway. We started by checking (online) on the DMV in Cottonwood and discovered it was closed on Saturday and Sunday. We kind of suspected that would be the case, but we went into Cottonwood just the same. We talked about taking a hike on one of the many trails that are in this area, but discovered there was a $9 parking fee at the trailhead where we were going to start out hiking. We never heard of any place where you had to pay to park at a hiking trailhead, so we canned that idea.

Our next thought was to take a chance that the Montezuma Castle would be open. No such luck. As a National Monument, it is closed along with all the other National Parks. Thanks again, Congress. That also eliminates all the other ruins in the area that we could have visited - Tuzigoot for one. So, we took a short drive to the - you guessed it - Cliff Castle Casino:

It was sure nice to revisit one of our favorite casinos in the country. We didn't notice much of a change in the choices of slot machines, so we played our favorites and a few new ones. I didn't do very well, although I played for a couple hours on our stake for the day. Josie, on the other hand, caught a "hot" machine and ended up winning all of our money - plus - that we allocated for the day. We will probably return one more time before leaving tomorrow for Lake Pleasant.

Today we have a local company coming out to wash and wax our fifth wheel. It has been an embarrassment to drive around with our dirty rig, but the rules in the campgrounds we stayed - up to now - prohibited any washing of rigs. It will finally get its sparkle back today. That is scheduled for around noon, so we will probably just relax some more and maybe take a walk around the campground...

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