Friday, October 11, 2013

Fishing Trip

The main activity scheduled for yesterday was a fishing trip to a local lake - Lake Herrick - that is located close to Naperville. We left the house at about 10 AM with a picnic lunch and all the fishing gear and chairs.

We didn't do a lot of research on fishing in this lake and, consequently, didn't know where to set up along the bank of the lake. It looked like a great lake for fishing, and the preliminary report was that there were catfish, crappie, sunfish and some large mouth bass in the lake. We walked around part of the lake looking for a good spot and ultimately ended up walking around almost the entire lake before settling on a spot:

We could see that, while walking around the lake, there were no "clear" areas in the lake along the shoreline. This is what was all along the shore:

It was so thick and full of "crud" that we decided to try another lake. Besides, there were no other people seen fishing here and it probably is good fishing from a boat, but not from shore.

We went to another nearby lake that we knew even less about. The same type fish were supposedly present in this lake, and we even saw a couple of other folks fishing along the bank of the lake. This is our location where we settled and began fishing in much clearer water. The biggest problem we had was that the worms I purchased the night before were frozen and dead, so I ended up throwing them away. That was definitely the bait of choice on this lake so we had that strike against us to start. We still enjoyed the time along the bank of this lake:

After about an hour of trying different lures and bait we ate our lunch and decided to leave. Here is one last shot as the boys crossed the inlet to the lake:

We ultimately decided to do more research into fishing spots near us and to be better prepared for our next attempt - tentatively scheduled for Monday.

We had a very relaxing afternoon and we sat outside on the porch during happy hour. Of course, this is also about the time that Oakley eats, so he wasn't going to let any happy hour interfere with his schedule. He grabs Patty's arm at mealtime and tries to drag her to the food closet so he can get his dinner. This is so funny to watch that I had to get at least one shot for the blog:

Even though we didn't catch any fish, we had a great day and Mark and the boys went to football practice following dinner. There are a couple of possibilities for today, but we will have to wait until after breakfast to see what is in store for activities today...

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