Sunday, July 21, 2013

Watching Golf, Etc

This weekend is a big one in Britain with the watch for the birth of the new royal family member and the British Open Golf Tournament in Scotland. The golf tournament is the third of the four annual major golf tournaments in professional golf, and is the only one held outside the U.S. That means I get to watch the whole thing and go to work in the afternoon by the time play ends for the day.

Josie is not interested in the golf, so she took a walk - over 5 miles - around town and discovered a new trail just south of our campground that winds around to the top of the hill. We will take that trail someday soon just to see where it takes us. There is a ridge at the top of the hill - Josie's Ridge, if you can believe it - that is a popular hiking trail. She returned  and wanted me to go to the Habitat for Humanity thrift store that is not too far from us so she could buy a picture frame that she has been searching for. It is made from old, aged, wood that is very rustic looking and will serve as the frame for our photo that we took earlier this year of the old barn on Mormon Row near the Teton National Park. That store gets some very nice merchandise that doesn't last very long so we had to go right away before it was sold.

It was back to work for the new week after having a small lunch and we had another sell out at the lodge. It was another night of handling problems that seem to be more plentiful this year. There are more folks complaining about their rooms this year than last, and also more folks that seem to be irritable following their travel day through these beautiful parks. People, in general, just seemed to be happier last year. Maybe the improving economy is resulting in a release of frustrations they have had for several years. Who Knows.

We are going to a chicken BBQ cookout in Wilson today before going to work. It is to benefit the Wilson Volunteer Fire Department and we were given tickets by our manager at the lodge, so we will gladly use them. The sun is shining again with mid 80's for the forecasted high, so it should be a great day ahead...

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