Friday, July 19, 2013

Driggs Nursery

We had seen an advertisement in the paper about a super nursery in Driggs, ID, that reminded us of the Molbach's Nursery in WA that was huge and offered top quality nursery goods. It is named MD Nursery, and we drove to Driggs yesterday to check it out and to drive around the Driggs area.

Driggs is less than 30 minutes away and is located on the back side of the Teton Range. The nursery was excellent:

and we walked around the grounds to search for a plant container to use for our small plant stand that we purchased at Smith's grocery last week. We found one and spent some time talking with one of the employees about the seasons and the flower shop portion of the nursery. They do weddings and cater many of the functions in Jackson and the surrounding areas and do a huge business.

Following that visit, we drove around some of the residential areas in Driggs and discovered that a home with a view of the Tetons can be purchased for a fraction of the price you would pay in Jackson. Here is a typical view of the mountains from one of these areas in Driggs:

The only real negative to living there is that the commute to Jackson is over the Teton Pass which is a bear to travel each day. There is no question about getting better value in this area. There was a similar home to the one above that was on 2 acres, was 1850 S.F., and was for sale at $299K. That same property would be about $1.0 M in Jackson.

We stopped at a mini market on the way home to buy lottery tickets which are not available in WY. The lottery has been approved for WY, but will not start until January of next year. Right now, anybody wanting to play the lottery has to go to Idaho to purchase his tickets, and that means traveling the Teton Pass to get there which discourages lots of folks. Personally, I don't mind the pass, but Josie could do without any trip that required travel over that road.

The weather was fabulous and it is the same today. We are looking at doing the bike ride at the loop just north of Jenny Lake today. I have to take my entry in the County Fair over to the exhibition hall this morning, so the ride will wait until that task is completed...

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