Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fogged In

We had more than an isolated thundershower yesterday. It rained most of the afternoon and we had .31 inches of rain by the time the day ended. The forecast was for more today, and it is so foggy outside we can barely see the hills surrounding our campground. It is also very cool - 45 degrees - which is a real contrast to last week when we had temperatures in the high 80's and even 90 degrees. Our high for yesterday was only 78. Having this "soupy" weather on work days is the way it is suppose to happen, with clearing and warm weather on our days off.

We once again completely sold out the rooms at the lodge last night. I would have to go back and review the entries for the similar period last year, but it seems like we are way ahead of the total number of guests, year to date, than last year. I will look at the figures. I do know that we have less time for casual conversation at work this year. It may also be the reason that it seems like there is a different attitude among the management staff - they are busy handling more issues this year. We still can't help thinking that something is different this year, like maybe the ownership of the lodge is getting ready to sell. After all, the surviving owner - Virginia - is 89 years old and probably ready to turn over the reigns to her children who probably don't want to deal with the lodge problems from a thousand miles away (San Diego). There are many improvements that are being ignored and that is usually a sign of changing ownership. I guess we will find out soon enough.

We're marching through July and the first of the two scheduled gun shows is taking place at the lodge. It ends today, and from what we can see it was a very successful show. The second show is scheduled in September which is timed to occur just before the big hunting season begins. Today we work with Donna and, as always, we enjoy those days that we are scheduled with her. There is never a dull moment as she is a very outgoing, talkative person, and is fun to be with. Now, we just need a sun break or two to make it a good day for our guests to enjoy...

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