Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Pleasant Surprise

Yesterday was pick-up day for all entries made at the Teton County Fair which ended on Sunday night. Josie and I went to the exhibit hall at around 9:30 and was told to just go and pick up the piece and bring it to the desk for check-out. When we went to the location to get the piece, we were shocked when we discovered that there were two more ribbons - a blue, first piece ribbon, and a larger ribbon for Division Champ - that were being hidden by the Best of Show ribbon. Furthermore, when we checked it out at the desk I was paid prize money for the ribbons - $4 for the blue ribbon, $10 for the Division Champ, and $25 for the Best of Show prize. I'll take the $39 anytime and the satisfaction knowing that all three prizes were won. I hope to get to enter another one next year.

Below is a shot of the entry taken after we brought it home with all three ribbons:

We took the picture into work hoping to find a spot to hang it in the lobby for awhile for our coworkers and guests to see. Of course, all of our coworkers were surprised that I did something like this - as are most people to discover that a male is capable of producing such a nice piece of needlework. We found out that all of the hanging pictures in the lobby of the lodge are screwed to the walls to prevent theft. We never considered that possibility. Given the fact that there was a theft risk and really no good open spot to hang the piece, I brought it back home following work last night.

Today is Josie's birthday and she is officially on Medicare and supplemental health insurance. That is a huge relief for her and she is feeling better the older she gets. We are both taking better care of our bodies now and are thankful that we can enjoy an active lifestyle as we tack on the years. We will celebrate her birthday with a dinner at the Gun Barrel - the best steak and game restaurant in Jackson hole - on Thursday night when we have our first day off for the week.

Our bikes are ready for pick up so we will go to the bike shop and pick those up this morning. The weather is wet and cool and is expected to improve starting tomorrow. It's our turn for some nice, warm sunny days...

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