Thursday, March 28, 2013

Night Game

The last night game of the schedule was last night. It was a game between the Cubs and the KC Royals that ended in a 9-9 tie, and took 3 1/2 hours to complete. I mentioned previously that our stand closes down after the 8th inning because we are the largest stand and it gives us more time to count inventory and close than the other, smaller concession stands. As a result, I was finished all of my duties and out of the stadium before the game was called at the end of 10 innings. The game started at 6:05 and I was home by 9:45. It was just another game with all offense and very little pitching. It's hard for me to understand how any of these teams are going to fare well during the regular season with such poor pitching. At this time of the spring training season, the teams should be in regular season mode to get a feel for their capabilities with the regular, starting players.

Two games to go and we are already running out of some foods. Last night, we ran out of soft pretzels and ice cream, and we are told that there will be no more for the remaining games. They did, however, surprise us with a new offering - Cracker Jack. How can you explain a new food offering with only a few games remaining? It makes you wonder why we were not given this product earlier in the season.

We are working with the fun crew these last few games so it is a joy to go to work. The final game tomorrow will start one hour earlier than normal. Maybe the teams are as anxious to get back on the road as we all are. Actually, the season is ending just as the heat is beginning to rise into the not-so-comfortable range. It has been in the high 80's all week, and the 90's are not far away...

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