Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Another Visit to Storage

We took stock of what was left in our little storage shed here at the site and began the final disposition of everything inside. We also sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful day while going through all the magazines and other material we have been collecting inside the fifth wheel to make sure that only recent and necessary material would go with us. The added weight that all these magazines, pamphlets and other printed materials results in an unnecessary load to haul. There are only a few more areas that we need to clean and that chore is completed.

There are still four boxes left to shred and everything else was taken to our storage unit, including extra chairs that we have been hauling around that contribute to the excess weight. We figure that one more, final trip to our storage unit will end the clean-out process and we will be traveling lighter than we have since we acquired the rig. If we could only get rid of everything in the storage unit and save that cost every month. We keep threatening to get rid of everything and eliminate the unit, but we keep adding stuff to it which is like saying you are going to lose weight while eating ice cream every day. It won't happen unless we get serious about it. Someday.

We'll try to take advantage of another day off today by eliminating as much of the shredding as possible. Josie will do laundry while I tackle that job and we should be able to relax for our final days off this weekend before heading out...


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