Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weight Issues

One thing that has been a struggle for us is to stay in shape while working front desk jobs. We have started to schedule some hikes on our days off to help with the weight control, but that only amounts to maybe one day per week. It is a combination of aging and getting less exercise during the week that makes it difficult - almost impossible - to maintain an acceptable weight. There was never a problem when we worked at Amazon.com with all the heavy exercise everyday, but since we have gone back to front desk work, there has to be another way to fight off the fat. We thought about getting bicycles, but we don't want to have to travel with them attached to the outside of our vehicles. Maybe, we could find a couple of bikes at a thrift store to use while we are here and then just return them when we leave.

Another option that we investigated yesterday after work was joining the local fitness center for the remainder of our time here in Jackson. It is just across the street in the strip mall and we could walk to it every day to work out for an hour before or after our work each day. That's probably going to be the solution as we both can be members there for the rest of the summer, through September, for a total of just over $200. We will decide today.

We finally got our shirts (uniform) for work yesterday. The person that does the embroidery on the shirts was on vacation for several weeks after we arrived here and placed our order through the Lodge. The Lodge pays for 3 shirts each and anything over that can be purchased by us to keep. Josie and I each ordered a sweatshirt to keep for ourselves. Our closets are getting full of clothes with emblems and logos of places we've worked.

Our schedule calls for us to begin work at 3 PM today, so we have a little time to do something or go someplace before work. There are a couple of places that are not too far away that we have talked about visiting, so we'll see what happens...

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