Sunday, July 8, 2012

Just a Normal Day

The weekend days on our schedule tend to move a little faster than the other work days for some reason. Maybe it's because we work with Donna who is a non-stop chatter box and we enjoy the exchanges with her, Also, there are usually lots of check-outs now with the busy season. There isn't a whole lot to talk about except that the days are becoming a "normal" routine.

We are beginning to start planning our days off and we hope to schedule at least one more hike to someplace within the Park on one of those days. We have a book called "Short Hikes and Easy Walks in Grand Teton National Park" which is our guide to planning these hikes. It's actually more of a pocket guide but has become our bible on planning places to hike. Also, we are discussing another trip to Idaho Falls. There are some things we need from the "big stores" (Sam's Club) and we have a different view of the town since my hunting buddy, Scott, sent me an email with links to several attractions in the area. His daughter lives there with her family and his son is attending college in Rexburg, a town just north of Idaho Falls. We plan to take advantage of his recommendations the next time we go.

It's hard to believe that we have been working here for 6 weeks already. It was one year ago this week that we started working our marathon stretch at What a difference a year makes...

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