Saturday, July 21, 2012

Another Trip to Idaho Falls

Our abbreviated trip to Idaho took us to Idaho Falls for the second time. This time, we went to a different part of town to go to Sam's Club and a different Walmart. Also, this time we saw a better part of Idaho Falls and have changed our opinion of the town. This time, we went through more of the residential areas and less of the down-town and saw some real nice neighborhoods and even the hills that are outside of town.

The primary goal for this trip was to price tires for the Jeep at both Sam's Club and Walmart to see if we could get a good deal. Initially, we thought a national chain like Big O tires would be a good location, but we discovered that both Sam's Club and Walmart offered the same tires as Big O, and for less money. We got the price for tires at Sam's Club and asked if all Walmarts would honor their warranty, and the answer surprised us. Walmart was not obligated to honor the warranties on Sam's Club tires, even though they are owned by the same company. That was a huge minus on the Sam's Club side. Walmart on the other hand, has stores in almost every larger town and each one that has a tire center would honor the warranty. That's a lot of coverage across the country. The price was right, and we bought 4 new tires at the Walmart store and also got haircuts there. Combined with getting the necessary items from Sam's Club, it was a successful trip.

I also made a call to the Ford dealership in Afton, WY, to make sure our truck arrived safely. It did, and there still is confidence at the dealership that Ford will cover the radiator repair. Our fingers are crossed for that decision which will come early in the week. I have a quote for an extended warranty on the truck which we will be purchasing if the repairs are covered. The money we would spend to perform the repairs ourselves would be more than half the cost of the warranty, so we'll see how that turns out.

Another week begins today as we start at 7 AM and work till 3 PM. I am looking forward to seeing round 3 of the British Open when we get off work today as it will be copied while we are at work. The neat thing about that is I can fast-forward through the copy and see it in half the time...

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