Monday, July 16, 2012

Adjusting to Schedule

Our second day of the three "daytime" shifts was yesterday. We work the first two days (Sat and Sun) with Donna and we think those days go a lot faster than any of the others. Our third daytime shift is today and we work that with the manager's daughter, Chelsie. That isn't bad either, as she spends most of her time in the office working on situations with her mother. That leaves Josie and I at the front desk by ourselves for most of the day unless we need some help from one of them for a unique situation. These three days go pretty fast and we have a 24 hour break at the end of the shift today until we have to work our other two days on the evening shift. In other words, we have from 3 PM today until 3 PM tomorrow to rest and do other things before working the final two days with Jim. Those last two days are the longest for us as we prefer not to work with Jim. He is the individual that causes the most grief for us and is the 37 year old single guy who needs to mature a lot. At any rate, we are adjusting to the schedule and, for the most part, we enjoy the schedule the way it is set up at this time. One thing is for sure - when the day ends after our shift, it really ends. It's not like it was in Vista where we had to remain "on-call" during the evening and night, and anticipate a sleepless night.

That brings us to the next step of trying to plan out the schedule from here. We have the gig in our pocket (Fernley, NV) but prefer to find something in AZ where the weather is more to our liking. We have not found anything appealing yet, but are on the lookout. The winter jobs have always been tougher to find because the sun belt is where everybody wants to be in the winter months. There is lots of time left to finalize our next move. Our travels have led us to believe that this area - northwestern  Wyoming - is probably the area we would like to spend our summers. The chances of our returning to this area every summer are pretty good at this point. The next part of the equation is to locate a suitable winter spot so we can plan our future years for those months. The long term plan is beginning to take shape. One thing we will say is that we love to travel and the thought of settling in one place, at this point at least, is not a preferred choice...

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