Saturday, April 22, 2017

In for Framing

I did some final tweaking on my project before cleaning and pressing it prior to going to Michael's for framing. My Framer - Howard - was on duty and recalled assisting me on some of my other projects so it made it easier to explain the significance of getting the right "look" for the County Fair this year. Below is a shot of the finished piece before framing:

The picture is actually brighter than you see here, but the lighting in my living room wasn't the best. It is definitely one of the best pieces in my growing collection. He is named "Three Eagles" and was an associate of Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Tribe. The piece was designed from a photo of him taken in 1910.

Howard granted the 70% discount that actually expired last Saturday. He also gave me some other perks that weren't charged - upgraded backing foam, upgraded glass and upgraded packaging to keep it protected while traveling. I will post another photo of the completed piece after I pick it up which is scheduled for sometime between May3 - May 5. I still can't believe that I completed it on time.

Josie had another long day at her shop. She didn't get home until after 7 PM and she has discovered that this shop (7th St) is the busiest of all the shops she has worked. Actually, they need even more help but it isn't in the budget. She was asked to come in early this morning, so I would expect another long day.

I can now move on to my other projects. It is a huge relief that I don't have to spend so much time now working on one project...

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