Friday, March 3, 2017

Third Leg

It was just a few minutes after 8 AM when we started out yesterday. The 340 mile trip was once again strictly on I-10, but we went through El Paso which is one large city. These drives through major cities really make Josie nervous as it is difficult, at times, to keep up with me in traffic when we have to change lanes on the freeway. She does a great job though. The walkie-talkies do their job when we travel with two vehicles.

There were the usual stops for gas and potty breaks. I had noticed a leak under our RV while gassing up outside of Fort Stockton. It was a red liquid that was coming out where the corner of the slide is on the drivers' side. I thought at the time that we might have a hydraulic fluid leak from a hose somewhere, but I could not find anything. As we dove along the freeway, I thought that the liquid was too red to be hydraulic fluid. We stopped at a rest area further along the freeway and I investigated inside the RV. Just as I suspected - the refrigerator door was unlocked and things fell out of the frig, onto the floor, and the jar of Maraschino Cherries cracked open and spread juice throughout the front of the rig. What a mess. That was only the second time in all our travels that we neglected to lock the frig. The discovery was made at this stop:

We extended the kitchen slide and cleaned up as best we could until we arrived at our destination in Deming, NM at around 1:30 PM. Even though there was the mess, it sure was better than a hydraulic leak.

We will leave earlier today - hopefully, by 7 AM - for our final leg - 360 miles -  into Phoenix and the Pioneer Resort. We hope to arrive there sometime early this afternoon to get resettled in our old space...

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